Table C-2: Spousal homicide in Canada

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Table C-2: Known causes of death,
spousal homicide in Canada, 1998-2007[1]
Method used Total Sex of victim
Female victims Male victims
number percent number percent number percent
Shooting 182 24 165 28 17 11
Stabbing 286 38 180 30 106 71
Strangulation 140 19 131 22 9 6
Beating 106 14 97 16 9 6
Other 30 4 22 4 8 5
Total 744 100 595 100 149 100

This table describes the spousal homicides in Canada, broken down by method and gender, and should be kept as up-to-date as possible, with the following caveat: Because this table may be used to keep stats uniformly up-to-date across multiple pages, it should NOT be updated in ANY way unless verifiable sources can be cited. The last thing we need is for gun grabbers to point to some erroneous data in an effort to make it look as though we're lying as much as they are.

When in doubt, first place suggestions in this table's talk page BEFORE making any modifications.

It is also worth noting that, while StatsCan does track spousal homicides by firearm, there is no data collected to determine the type of firearm used.



[edit] Usage

Female victims chart
Simply add {{Table C-2: Spousal homicide in Canada}} or just {{Table C-2}} into the page in question. This table will automatically align to the right at all times (options may be added later, if needed).

The information on female victims provided in this table has also been graphed in File:Canadian Domestic Homicide Data 1995-2007b.jpg (thumbnail shown at right).

[edit] Conclusions

Simple examination of the data provided in the table shows that:

  • 38% of female victims (228) are killed "by hand" (for want of a better term); i.e., strangulation or beating.
  • The leading instruments of death for female victims of domestic homicide are 1) the wife-beater's hands, 38%; and 2) bladed instruments, 30%.
  • Since 68% are killed by manual means, long guns therefore CAN NOT be, as is so often claimed by Canadian gun grabbers, responsible for "the deaths of 88% of all women killed in domestic violence." Statistics Canada does not even collect data to break down these numbers by firearm type.

[edit] Data sources

  1. Table 5.4: Known causes of death among spousal relationships by sex, 1998 to 2007. 85-224-XWE, Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile; Statistics Canada website.

[edit] See also

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