Table C-1: Firearm deaths in Canada

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Table C-1: Firearm deaths in Canada, by cause and gender, 2000-2008[1]
Nature of death[2] 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008[3]
All M F All M F All M F All M F All M F All M F All M F All M F All M F
Accidental 20 20 0 28 27 1 31 27 4 27 26 1 23 21 2 17 15 2 17 17 0 17 14 3 17 17 0
Homicide 156 126 30 148 119 29 137 110 27 138 112 26 149 125 24 202 170 32 166 133 33 167 141 26 181 161 20
Undetermined 9 9 0 10 10 0 11 11 0 7 7 0 3 3 0 6 3 3 5 5 0 5 5 0 8 6 2
Suicide 685 648 37 651 616 35 633 615 18 618 585 33 568 541 27 593 567 26 586 567 19 534 513 21 485 467 18
Total 870 803 67 837 772 65 812 763 49 790 730 60 743 690 53 818 755 63 774 722 52 723 673 50 702 661 41
suicides % 78.7 80.7 55.2 77.7 79.8 53.8 78 80.6 36.7 78.2 80.1 55.0 76.4 78.4 50.9 72.5 75.1 41.2 75.7 78.5 36.5 73.8 76.2 42 69.1 70.7 43.9
The average annual portion of gun deaths that are suicides is 75.7% overall; 77.9% for males, 46.8% for females. (Additional analysis can be found here)

This table describes the rate and nature of firearm related deaths in Canada and should be kept as up-to-date as possible, with the following caveat: Because this table may be used to keep stats uniformly up-to-date across multiple pages, it should NOT be updated in ANY way unless verifiable sources can be cited. The last thing we need is for gun grabbers to point to some erroneous data in an effort to make it look as though we're lying as much as they are.

When in doubt, first place suggestions in this table's talk page BEFORE making any modifications.



[edit] Usage

Simply add {{Table C-1: Firearm deaths in Canada}} or just {{Table C-1}} into the page in question. The table auto-centers and is set to 100% width.

[edit] Expanded data

The following table is compiled from StatsCan's Table 102-0540 - Deaths, by cause, Chapter XX: External causes of morbidity and mortality, which DOES NOT MATCH the numbers supplied in Table 102-0551. No idea why that is.

Firearm deaths in Canada, by cause and gender, 2000-2008[4]
Nature of death Accidental Suicide Homicide Undetermined Police
Long gun Other Long gun Other Long gun Other Long gun Other All Suicides
2000 All 1 18 131 538 15 134 1 7 8 853 78.4%
M 1 18 127 505 10 110 1 7 8 787 80.3%
F 0 0 4 33 5 24 0 0 0 66 56.1%
2001 All 3 24 123 513 8 134 1 9 5 820 77.6%
M 3 23 118 484 6 107 1 9 5 756 79.6%
F 0 1 5 29 2 27 0 0 0 64 53.1%
2002 All 6 25 127 491 16 119 2 9 4 799 77.3%
M 5 22 125 475 10 98 2 9 4 750 80.0%
F 1 3 2 16 6 21 0 0 0 49 36.7%
2003 All 6 20 107 491 13 115 1 5 2 760 78.7%
M 6 19 102 464 8 96 1 5 2 703 80.5%
F 0 1 5 27 5 19 0 0 0 57 56.1%
2004 All 5 18 125 425 12 127 0 3 11 726 75.8%
M 5 16 118 405 9 106 0 3 11 673 77.7%
F 0 2 7 20 3 21 0 0 0 53 50.9%
2005 All 4 12 120 460 20 177 4 2 14 813 71.3%
M 4 10 115 441 14 152 2 1 14 753 73.8%
F 0 2 5 19 6 25 2 1 0 60 40.0%
2006 All 8 9 129 432 16 132 1 4 7 738 76.0%
M 8 9 127 417 11 108 1 4 6 691 78.7%
F 0 0 2 15 5 24 0 0 1 47 36.2%
2007 All 7 9 125 396 17 140 1 3 10 708 73.6%
M 5 8 121 380 15 118 1 3 10 661 75.8%
F 2 1 4 16 2 22 0 0 0 47 42.6%
2008 All 8 9 243 242 25 156 3 5 11 702 69.1%
M 8 9 232 235 19 142 3 3 10 661 70.7%
F 0 0 11 7 6 14 0 2 1 41 43.9%

[edit] Conclusions

From a simple examination of the numbers in the table above (the one at the very top), we can come to a few definite conclusions about gun-related deaths in Canada from 2000 to 2008:

  1. Firearms accounted for 7069 deaths; 6569 males and 500 females.
  2. Males are over 13 times more likely to die from firearms than females.
  3. 1444 homicides by firearm accounted for the deaths of 1197 males and 247 females.
  4. Males are 4.85 times more likely to be murdered with a gun.
  5. Of 5353 suicides by firearm, 5119 were males and 234 females.
  6. Men are 21.88 times more likely to commit suicide with a firearm.
  7. 184 males and 13 females died in 197 gun-related accidents.
  8. Men are 14.15 times more likely to die in gun-related accidents.

[edit] See also

[edit] Data sources

  1. Statistics Canada. Table 102-0551 - Deaths and mortality rate, by selected grouped causes, age group and sex, Canada, annual, CANSIM (database).
  2. Actual terms used in the StatsCan report are "Accidental discharge of firearms;" "Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms;" "Discharge of firearms, undetermined intent;" and "Intentional self-harm (suicide) by discharge of firearms."
  3. 2008 data is taken from Statistics Canada Table 102-0540 - Deaths, by cause, Chapter XX: External causes of morbidity and mortality (V01 to Y89), age group and sex, Canada, annual (number), CANSIM (database).
  4. Source: Statistics Canada. Table 102-0540 - Deaths, by cause, Chapter XX: External causes of morbidity and mortality (V01 to Y89), age group and sex, Canada, annual (number), CANSIM (database).
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