Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

JPFO publishes the "Gran'pa Jack Freedom Booklets" and offers videos, documentaries, T-shirts and other items. Their lapel pin is a star of David with the JPFO symbols in gold-tone. JPFO is noted for producing materials (bumper stickers, posters, billboards, etc.) with messages that equate gun control with totalitarianism. The most famous of these are the "All in favor of Gun Control raise your right hand" materials, which features a drawing of Hitler giving a Nazi salute.[4]
The JPFO is not to be confused with another JPFO, the Jewish People's Fraternal Organization, which was a section of the now defunct, pro-Communist International Workers Order.
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[edit] Conflict with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
The JPFO has been highly critical of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). In pamphlets such "Why Does the ADL Support Nazi-Based Laws?"[2] and "JPFO Facts vs. ADL Lies,"[3] the JPFO has accused the ADL of undermining the welfare of the Jewish people.
In response, Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote about the JPFO, "Anti-Semitism has a long and painful history, and the linkage to gun control is a tactic by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership to manipulate the fear of anti-Semitism toward their own end... It is a campaign that has been viewed with concern by many in the Jewish community."[4]
[edit] JPFO's political positions
German Weapons Law The JPFO is probably most noted for its claim that the Gun Control Act of 1968, passed under the leadership of then-Senator Thomas J. Dodd, was lifted, almost in its entirety, from Nazi legislation.[5] The German Weapons Law, which existed before the Nazis came to power in 1933, was altered on 18 March 1938 by the Nazi Government. The JPFO's claim is based in part by the fact that the 1968 GCA introduces the "sporting purpose" test to distinguish different types of weapons, similar to the "sporting purpose" test that existed in the German law in question. Senator Thomas Dodd was a prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials and had reviewed copies of the Nazi Germany firearms laws.Bernard E. Harcourt of the University of Chicago Law School, in discussing the fundamental proposition advanced by the JPFO, notes that "on January 13th, 1919, the Reichstag enacted legislation requiring surrender of all guns to the government. This law, as well as the August 7, 1920, Law on the Disarmament of the People passed in light of the Versailles Treaty, remained in effect until 1928, when the German parliament enacted the Law on Firearms and Ammunition (April 12, 1928)—a law which relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm licensing scheme."[6] They did however ban the possession of guns by Jews, Gypsies, and others.
Stephen Halbrook, in "Nazi Firearms Law and the Disarming of the German Jews," 17 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, No. 3, 483-532 (2000), points out that German arms laws were extremely lax, and even under the 1920 "Law on the Disarmament of the People", only items such as grenades and machineguns were banned, however small arms such as rifles and pistols remained in common use. Valery Polozov, a former advisor to the committee on national security in the Russian Duma, points out in his book "Firearms in Civil Society" that Germany did not in fact have comprehensive gun control legislation up until 1928, which created the legal framework later built upon by the Nazis. Halbrook did clarify in the first sentences of his article that, "Gun control laws are depicted as benign and historically progressive. However, German firearm laws and hysteria created against Jewish firearm owners played a major role in laying the groundwork for the eradication of German Jewry in the Holocaust."[7]
In support of their political and social views on gun rights, JPFO has published numerous gun rights and Bill of Rights publications. Most notable are the “Innocents Betrayed” documentary which has been widely circulated in gun rights circles and on the internet. And “Bill of Rights or Bust” dedicated to promoting a general awareness of the Bill of Rights and not a primary focus on gun rights. Their most recent documentary is called "The Gang" and focuses upon the lack of standardized testing procedures by the BATF and its impact upon the "keeping of arms".
[edit] References
- ↑ Marks, Kathy (1996) The Faces of Right Wing Extremism. New York: Branden Books. pp 71.
- ↑ The Liberty Crew (September 20, 2007) "Why Does the ADL Support Nazi-Based Laws?"
- ↑ Editors (1997-1999) "JPFO Facts vs. ADL Lies."
- ↑ Foxman, Abraham H. (May 21, 1995) "N.R.A. Doesn't Represent George Bush or Even Most Members; Jewish Pro-Gun Group." New York Times.
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ [3]
[edit] External links
[edit] Sources
- Stephen Halbrook, in "Nazi Firearms Law and the Disarming of the German Jews," 17 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, No. 3, 483-532 (2000).
- Valery Polozov, "Firearms in Civil Society", Moscow. (2001).