Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

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The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) (and its sister organization, the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSGV)) is a non-profit organization that emerged from the civil rights movement in the mid 1970s to campaign for measures aimed at reducing firearm death and injury. CSGV lists the following as their mission statement: "The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy."[1] The organization was originally known as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns.[2] In the early 1980s, the organization's name was changed to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.



[edit] Mission

The organization has five[3] areas of focus, regarding issues and campaigns:

Houston gun show at the George R. Brown Convention Center.

Guns Democracy and Freedom: CSGV argued against the majority opinion outcome in the DC v. Heller Supreme Court decision, which found that an individual possesses a constitutional right to keep and bear arms against possible future government tyranny. Prior to the Supreme Court's opinion, CSGV's sister organization, EFSGV, had submitted an amicus curiae brief in the Supreme Court case DC v. Heller opposing the lower court's ruling that the District of Columbia's handgun ban was unconstitutional and opposing the eventual majority opinion ruling that individuals possessed the right to insurrection against a tyrannical government.[4]

Microstamping: CSGV supports, on state and federal levels, the implementation and research relating to firearm microstamping, an emerging ballistic identification technology which purports to allow law enforcement to trace the serial number of a firearm from ejected cartridge case(s) recovered at a crime scene.[5] The technology's effectiveness is much disputed.[6] Microstamping has recently been enacted into law in the state of California.[7]

Closing the "Gun Show Loophole": CSGV is in favor of universal background checks, to include all firearm transactions at gun shows. Currently, an estimated 40% of firearms transactions in the United States are conducted without a background check, due to what CSGV calls a "loophole" in federal and state laws that allow private individuals to sell guns to other private individuals living in the same state without conducting background checks on purchasers. Yet, the majority of such guns, acquired without a background check, is not from gun shows; records indicate only 2% of the guns acquired by inmates prior to incarceration came from gun shows. The majority of such guns (35%) were acquired from family or friends. (See 1997 graphic.)

Federal Legislation: Through federal legislation[8], CSGV supports repealing the Tiahrt Amendment, renewing the Assault Weapons Ban, closing the "gun show loophole", prohibiting individuals who are on a terrorist watch list from purchasing firearms [9], and keeping rules that prohibit carrying loaded firearms in National Parks. Proponents of the rule change argue that the federal property upon which national parks are situated should adopt similar laws to state laws for the state in which the federal park is located, that permit duly-licensed and trained individuals to exercise state-permitted carrying of firearms for self-defense against predators. Proponents of CSGV's position believe that an increase in the carrying of loaded weapons in National Parks will lead to more homicides, suicides, and accidents, while also expressing environmental concerns regarding lead bullets and opining that the best way to protect oneself from the danger of wild animals is to follow the park's regulations. The proposed rule change is opposed by some within the National Park Service.[10] However, although weapons are generally banned on most Federal property, National Parks in some parts of Alaska encourage hikers to carry firearms for protection against wild animals; still, the National Park Service notes that "Firearms should never be used as an alternative to common-sense approaches to bear encounters."[11]

International Arms Trade: CSGV supports the efforts of UNESCO, the United Nations, Interpol, and the World Health Organization to combat the illegal global trafficking of small arms.[12]

[edit] Leadership

Gun interest groups in the U.S.
Pro-gun rights
  • Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
  • Florida Carry
  • Gun Owners' Action League
  • Gun Owners of America
  • Handgun Club of America
  • International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights
  • JPFO
  • Law Enforcement Alliance of America
  • Liberty Belles
  • National Association for Gun Rights
  • National Rifle Association
  • National Shooting Sports Foundation
  • Pink Pistols
  • Second Amendment Foundation
  • Second Amendment Sisters
  • Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
  • Gun Grabbers
  • Americans for Democratic Action
  • Americans for Gun Safety Foundation
  • Americans for Responsible Solutions
  • American Hunters and Shooters Association
  • Brady Campaign
  • Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
  • Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
  • Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence
  • Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
  • League of Women Voters
  • Mayors Against Illegal Guns
  • Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America
  • National Gun Victims Action Council
  • Stop Handgun Violence
  • Violence Policy Center
  • Michael K. Beard is the President of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence/Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, a title he has held since the inception of the respective organizations.

    Joshua Horwitz is the Executive Director of CSGV/EFSGV. Mr. Horwitz is an attorney who joined the Ed Fund in 1989 as Legal Director.

    Ladd Everitt has served as the organization's Director of Communications since May 2006.

    Manda Kelley has served as the organization's Development Officer since November 2006.

    [edit] Membership

    CSGV's organizational structure is unique among national gun violence prevention organizations. It consists of 45 national organizations working to reduce gun violence. Coalition members include religious organizations, child welfare advocates, public health professionals, and social justice organizations.

    1. American Academy of Pediatrics
    2. American Association of Suicidology
    3. American Ethical Union
    4. American Jewish Committee
    5. American Jewish Congress
    6. American Psychiatric Association
    7. American Public Health Association
    8. Americans for Democratic Action
    9. Assoc. of Japanese Families of Gun Violence Victims in the U.S.A.
    10. Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
    11. The Bible Holiness Movement, International
    12. Center for Science in the Public Interest
    13. Central Conference of American Rabbis
    14. Child Welfare League of America, Inc.
    15. Children's Defense Fund
    16. The Communitarian Network
    17. The Council of The Great City Schools
    18. The DISARM Education Fund
    19. Fellowship of Reconciliation
    20. Friends Committee on National Legislation
    21. Jesuit Conference - Office of Social Ministries
    22. Jewish Community Center Association
    23. Jewish Women International
    24. Loretto Community
    25. Mennonite Central Committee
    26. National Association of School Psychologists
    27. National Association of Social Workers
    28. National Council of Jewish Women, Inc.
    29. National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
    30. National Urban League, Inc.
    31. North American Federation of Temple Youth
    32. Pan American Trauma Association
    33. Peace Action of Washington
    34. Presbyterian Church USA
    35. Union of American Hebrew Congregations
    36. Unitarian Universalist Association
    37. United Church of Christ
    38. United Federation of Teachers
    39. United Methodist Church Board of Church & Society
    40. United States Conference of Mayors
    41. United States Student Association
    42. United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
    43. Woman's National Democratic Club
    44. Women's League for Conservative Judaism
    45. YWCA of U.S.A.

    [edit] Websites

    [edit] CSGV in the Media

    CSGV regularly contributes to the editorial section of newspapers, published editorials include:

    [edit] Radio Interviews

    [edit] References

    1. Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV); About us
    2. Senate report on the Right to Bear Arms
    3. Issues & Campaigns
    4. Guns, Democracy and Freedom
    5. Microstamping
    6. AB 352 Defines As "Unsafe" Any Semi-Automatic Pistol Not Microstamped SAAMI 2008-07-08
    7. Bill Documents AB1471
    8. Federal Legislation
    9. GAO-05-127
    10. Rule Change Would Permit Weapons in National Parks
    11. Bear Facts: The Essentials for Traveling in Bear Country
    12. International Arms Trade
    Personal tools
