From Gunsopedia
This image is provided courtesy of olegvolk.net The copyright holder if this image, Oleg Volk, permits and encourages reproduction of this image in electronic media or print, under the following conditions: - With the exception of resizing, the image may not be altered in any way, including front-cover and back-cover text.
- Full attribution must given, including copyright notice, along with a link to www.oldgvolk.net in the case of web usage.
- The image may only be used to promote responsible gun ownership.
- The usage, under any circumstances whatsoever, of this or any other image or other media to which Mr. Volk holds copyright, by organizations or individuals promoting restrictions on the ownership and/or use of firearms, is explicitly prohibited. No exceptions.
Persons or organizations wishing to produce graphics based on Mr. Volk's works must sure to obtain permission from him first, as many images have additional conditions attached to them.
If you would like to modify this image or use it as an element in more complex compositions, please contact Mr Volk at olegvolk@gmail.com before doing so, to ensure that the uses are consistent with the goals of promoting lawful gun owners' rights.
This template is for use with any and all images or other media that are copyright Oleg Volk. Reply to reuse permission conditions was:
As stated at http://www.a-human-right.com/faq.html, you are welcome to use these images on your web site. You are welcome to use the photos with a byline "Image (c)Oleg Volk" with a link to olegvolk.net. I appreciate your inquiry for the details. Sincerely,