Template:Categorize gun

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Eek.png Dennis needs to get off his ass and do something with this page.

This template categorizes gun pages according to the following criteria:

1 layer 2 Layers 3 layers 4 layers 5 layers
  1. Nationality
  2. Caliber
  3. Action
  4. Subtype
  5. Type
  1. Nationality Caliber
  2. Nationality Action
  3. Nationality Subtype
  4. Nationality Type
  5. Caliber Action
  6. Caliber Subtype
  7. Caliber Type
  8. Action Subtype
  9. Action Type
  10. Subtype Type
  1. Nationality Caliber Action
  2. Nationality Caliber Subtype
  3. Nationality Caliber Type
  4. Nationality Action Subtype
  5. Nationality Action Type
  6. Nationality Subtype Type
  7. Caliber Action Subtype
  8. Caliber Action Type
  9. Caliber Subtype Type
  10. Action Subtype Type
  1. Caliber Action Subtype Type
  2. Nationality Action Subtype Type
  3. Nationality Caliber Subtype Type
  4. Nationality Caliber Action Type
  5. Nationality Caliber Action Subtype
  1. Nationality Caliber Action Subtype Type

[edit] Usage

Paste and fill in:

{{categorize gun
| Nationality  = 
| Manufacturer = 
| Caliber      = 
| Operation    = 
| Subaction    = 
| Action       = 
| Subtype      = 
| Type         = 
  • OPERATION: blowback, recoil, gas, chain, blow forward
  • SUBACTION: single shot, semi-automatic, full auto
  • ACTION: break, bolt, lever pump, falling/tilting block, rotating bolt, flintlock, etc
  • SUBTYPE: sniper, anti-materiel, muzzle loading, assault, service, double (rifle), double barreled, multibarrel, etc
  • TYPE: pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, musket, etc

There is no support yet for multinational firearms (like a lot of the stuff John Browning did, for example).

Eek.png Dennis needs to get off his ass and do something with this page.
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