List of assault rifles

An assault rifle is a selective fire rifle or carbine typically firing ammunition with muzzle energies and sizes intermediate between those of handgun and more traditional high-powered rifle ammunition. Assault rifles are categorized between light machine guns, intended more for sustained automatic fire in a support role, and submachine guns, which fire a handgun cartridge rather than a rifle cartridge. Assault rifles are the standard small arms in most modern armed forces, having largely replaced or supplemented larger, more powerful rifles, such as the World War II-era M1 Garand and Tokarev SVT. Semi-automatic rifles are not assault rifles as they are not selective fire, But full sized weapons similar with full-auto capabilities chambered in full-sized rifle rounds are known as Battle rifles, Examples are the post war era FN FAL, H&K G3 and M14 rifle. Belt-fed weapons or rifles with very limited capacity fixed magazines are also generally not considered assault rifles. This list includes some of the more notable Assault Rifles but also covers some Battle Rifles.
- Editor's note: Obviously, this is NOT a list of each and every assault rifle in the world; there are huge gaps. Feel free to fill them in!
Name/ designation |
Year of intro |
Country of origin |
Primary cartridge |
Major users |
Ak 5 | 1985 | Sweden | 5.56x45mm NATO | Sweden |
Ak 5 is the Swedish version of Belgian FN FNC. It is the main service rifle of the Swedish Armed Forces. | ||||
AK-47 | 1947 | Soviet Union | 7.62x39mm | Russia, many others |
The simple, easy to manufacture AK-47 was one of the earliest designs for an assault rifle. Once designed and distributed by the Soviet Union for use by the Warsaw Pact nations, it has become the most widespread, most copied assault rifle design in the world. | ||||
AK-74 | 1974 | Soviet Union | 5.45x39mm | Russia, many others |
The AK-74 is an adaptation of the AKM (which used the 7.62x39mm cartridge) down to the smaller 5.45x39mm cartridge. | ||||
AK-100 | 1990s | Russia | 7.62x39mm, 5.45x39mm | Russia, many others |
In the 1990s, Izhmash designers developed the unified complex of Kalashnikov assault rifles chambered for domestic 7.62 x 39mm, 5.45 x 39mm cartridges as well as the 5.56 x 45mm NATO cartridge to expand the export capabilities of the enterprise.
These assault rifles can be supplied to traditional Russian clients and NATO standard-oriented countries. The complex comprises assault rifles for general purpose use (AK-74M, AK-101, AK-103) and for auxiliary designation (AK-102, AK-104, AK-105). All of them feature a high degree of unification in the construction of the assemblies and parts as well as the in technology of their manufacture. | ||||
AKM | 1959 | Soviet Union | 7.62x39mm | Russia, many others |
The AKM is a redesign of the AK-47 made for ease of mass production]. The design is simplified somewhat which also reduced the substantial weight of the AK-47, while adding to its accuracy and reliability. | ||||
AVB-7.62 | 1990s | Russia | 7.62x39mm/7.62x54mm | Never in active service |
The AB and AVB rifles were designed to reduce recoil force by using a Lever-Delayed Blowback operation and came in both Assault and Battle rifle forms. One variant was produced in Czechoslovakia in the 7.62x51mm NATO calibre. These rifles were not adopted by any military. | ||||
Beretta AR70/90 | 1980s/1990s | Italy | 5.56x45mm NATO | Italy |
First born in the early 1970s, its early incarnation (the AR-70/.223) was jointly developed with SIG and saw use only within some Italian Special Forces as well as exports and civilian sales. The design was later modernized to comply with NATO standards, and became in the late 1980s the main assault rifle of the Italian military, retaining such role up to date. The most widely issued version of this weapon is the SC-70/90 folding-stock variant. | ||||
CETME | 1950s | Spain | 7.62x51mm NATO | Spain |
Based on the prototype Sturmgewehr 45 design, the CETME would, in turn, be influential on the design of the Heckler & Koch G3 family of rifles. The CETME was used by the Spanish military. | ||||
Colt Canada C7 rifle | 1982 | Canada | 5.56x45mm NATO | Canada and others |
The C7 is a Canadian variant of the M16. It is the service rifle of the Canadian Forces, and is also used by the military forces of Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and the Netherlands, and by United Kingdom Special Forces. | ||||
ČZ 2000 | 1991 | Czechoslovakia | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
Intended to replace the aging Sa vz. 58 as Czecosolvakia's (later Czech Republic and Slovakia) main service rifle, the prototype was tested but never adopted into service. The program was discontinued in 2007. | ||||
Daewoo K2 | 1984 | South Korea | 5.56x45mm NATO | South Korea, Fiji, Peru, Nigeria |
The K2 is the primary service rifle of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces. It is based on the designs of the M16 and AK-47 although the parts are not interchangeable. | ||||
EM-2 | 1951 | United Kingdom | .280 British | Adopted for service, then abandoned for the L1A1 under US pressure for NATO STANAG |
The EM-2 was an experimental British bullpup assault rifle. It was designed to fire the .280 British round that was being considered to replace the venerable .303 British. The rifle was adopted for, but never brought into service, but it did help lay the groundwork for the development of later, more successful British bullpup rifles such as the SA80. | ||||
FAD assault rifle | 2008 | Peru | 5.56x45mm NATO | Peru (not yet in service) |
The FAD(Fusil Automático Doble) is a Bullpup assault rifle currently under development by SIMA Electronica, A 40mm pump action grenade launcher is also to be installed to it. | ||||
FAMAS | 1978 | France | 5.56x45mm NATO | France and others |
The bullpup designed FAMAS is the service rifle of the French military. The weapon is also the primary infantry weapon of Djibouti and is used by the Philippine National Police Special Action Force. | ||||
FARA 83 | 1983 | Argentina | 5.56x45mm NATO | Argentina, Venezuela |
Externally resembling the Israeli IMI Galil, internally similar to the Heckler & Koch HK33, the FARA 83 was designed in Argentina to become the service rifle for the Argentine Army. The rifle was brought into service starting in 1984, but never replaced the existing FMAP FSL variant of the Belgian FN FAL which remains Argentina's main service rifle to the present day. | ||||
FM57 rifle | 1957 | Sweden | 6.5x55mm | Never in active service |
The FM57 was a prototype rifle designed on and intended to replace the Ag m/42. | ||||
FN CAL | 1966 | Belgium | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
The FN CAL was designed to be a lower cost, easier to manufacture alternative to the existing FN FAL, although the two guns are not directly related. The CAL never met with any significant interest and was later dropped in favour of the even less expensive FN FNC. | ||||
FN F2000 | 2001 | Belgium | 5.56x45mm NATO | Belgium and others |
The F2000 incorporates many advanced features into its ambidextrous bullpup design. The F2000 is currently in use by Belgian special forces and is being considered as a possible replacement for the FN FNC as the service rifle for the Belgian armed forces. | ||||
FN FAL | 1953 | Belgium | 7.62x51 NATO | Many NATO nations and others |
Widely used for decades, the FN FAL is one of the more successful assault rifle designs with over one million believed to have been manufactured. The FAL has now been replaced in many arsenals by newer weapons, but the design remains popular and is still in service in many countries. | ||||
FN FNC | 1979 | Belgium | 5.56x45mm NATO | Belgium and others |
A much better received follow-up to the less successful FN CAL, the FNC has been the main service rifle of the Belgian military since its introduction. Variations on the design have been adopted in several countries with the Swedish Ak 5 and the Indonesian Pindad SS1 being among the more notable examples. | ||||
FN SCAR | 2007 | Belgium | 5.56x45mm NATO | United States (experimental) |
The SCAR is Belgian arms maker Fabrique Nationale de Herstal's entry into (and eventual winner of) the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM)'s SCAR competition to select a new rifle for special forces. The weapon is still in production and has not yet entered service. | ||||
FX-05 Xiuhcoatl | 2006 | Mexico | 5.56x45mm NATO | Mexico |
The Xiuhcoatl was designed and built in Mexico to be the next generation service rifle for the Mexican Army. Though similar to the Heckler & Koch G36, the two are different enough that Heckler & Koch elected not to pursue proposed copyright infringement claims. | ||||
GRAM 63 | 1963 | Sweden | 7.62x51mm NATO | Never in active service |
The GRAM 63 was intended to replace the Ljungman series of service rifles and the 6.5x55mm round. Instead, The Swedish government selected the Bofors Ak4(H&K G3). | ||||
Heckler & Koch G11 | 1980s | West Germany | 4.73x33mm caseless | Never in active service |
Developed in the 1970s and 1980s as a non-production prototype platform for experimental caseless ammunition. | ||||
Heckler & Koch G3 | 1958 | West Germany | 7.62x51mm NATO | Germany, many NATO and others |
The main service rifle of the Bundeswehr (German armed forces) for several decades. Beginning in 1995, the German army largely phased out the G3 in favour of the newer Heckler & Koch G36, but the rifle remains popular throughout the world and is used, in some capacity, by armies on five continents. | ||||
Heckler & Koch G36 | 1995 | Germany | 5.56x45mm NATO | Germany, many NATO and others |
Developed as a successor to the Heckler & Koch G3, the G36 is currently the service rifle of the Bundeswehr (German armed forces.) It is also widely used by other armies and police forces worldwide. | ||||
Heckler & Koch G41 | 1981 | West Germany | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
Produced in small numbers as an intended replacement for the Heckler & Koch HK33, The G41 never found the major military market at which it was aimed and the rights to the design were later sold to Italian arms manufacturer Luigi Franchi. Production has since been discontinued. | ||||
Heckler & Koch HK33 | 1960s | West Germany | 5.56x45mm NATO | Brazil, Turkey, Thailand, others |
The HK33 was designed as an addition to the successful Heckler & Koch G3 family of weapons. It was designed mostly for export and was never used militarily by the Bundeswehr (German armed forces.) The rifle has sustained moderately widespread use in various parts of the world for several decades. The weapon is also used by police forces in several countries. | ||||
Heckler & Koch HK416 | 2005 | Germany | 5.56x45mm NATO | Norway, Turkey, United States, others |
Designed along the lines of the M4 carbine, the HK416 was built with an eye towards taking over the market share currently held by the M4. It is currently in limited use by the United States Army and by special forces units from Malaysia, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the United States. The rifle has also, reportedly, been selected by Norway and Turkey to become their primary service rifles. | ||||
Howa Type 89 | 1989 | Japan | 5.56x45mm NATO | Japan |
The Howa Type 89 is currently in service with the Japan Self-Defense Forces, Japan Coast Guard and the Japanese Special Assault Team. It has never been exported due to strict Japanese anti-export laws. | ||||
IMBEL MD2 | 1985 | Brazil | 5.56x45mm NATO | Brazil |
Brazilian arms manufacturer IMBEL's MD2 is based on the design of the Belgian FN FAL and is the current service rifle of the Brazilian Army. | ||||
IMI Galil | 1972 | Israel | 5.56x45mm NATO | Israel and others |
Based on the Finnish Rk 62 (in turn based on the AK-47,) the Galil is used by the military and police forces in several nations including Colombia, Israel, Italy, Nepal, and others. It is available in several configurations, some using the 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge. | ||||
IMI Tavor TAR-21 | 2002 | Israel | 5.56x45mm NATO | Israel and others |
The bullpup designed TAR-21 has been selected to become the new service rifle for the Israel Defense Forces. The rifle is also on order for the special forces or police of several other nations. | ||||
INSAS rifle | 1997 | India | 5.56x45mm NATO | India, Nepal |
The INSAS is a composite design drawn from several existing rifles including the AK-47, FN FNC, AK-74, IMI Galil, and the Heckler & Koch G3. It is the service rifle of the Indian army and has also been exported to neighbouring Nepal. | ||||
Interdynamics MKR | 1980s | Sweden | 4.5x26mm | Never in active service |
The MKR assault rifle is chambered in a small calibre round to reduce recoil but retaining good accuracy and ballistics, The weapon and calibre proved sucsessful but never got beyond prototype stage . | ||||
Interdynamics MKS | 1970s | Sweden | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
The MKS assault rifle has a high rate of fire but most notably has the magazine for its grip. | ||||
Kbk wz. 1988 Tantal | 1988 | Poland | 5.45x39mm | Poland, Iraq |
The Tantal is a Polish designed and produced assault rifle based on the highly successful AK-47 family of rifles. | ||||
Kbs wz. 1996 Beryl | 1996 | Poland | 5.56x45mm NATO | Poland |
Designed to replace the older AK-47 and AK-74 models then in use, the Beryl quickly became the main service rifle of the Polish Armed Forces. | ||||
LAPA FA-03 | 1970s | Brazil | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
A Bullpup design far ahead of its times, produced with great usage of polymer materials, the LAPA FA-03 was manufactured only in few hundred samples. With both domestic military adoption and foreign sales crippled by Brazilian policy, this rifle is still today kept in stock by some Brazilian Police units. | ||||
Leader Dynamics T2 MK5 | 1980s | Australia | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
The Leader Dynamics T2 MK5 represents an attempt to produce Australia's first domestically designed and produced gas-operated auto-rifle for the Australian Army. The rifle was never brought into service. | ||||
L64/65 | 1970s | United Kingdom | 4.85x49mm | Never in active service |
The L64/65 was an intermediate step in the design of British bullpup style assault rifles. Though this rifle was never used by any military force, it helped lay the foundation for the successful SA80 series of weapons. | ||||
M4 Carbine | 1994 | United States | 5.56x45mm NATO | United States, many others |
A shorter, lighter version of the M16, the M4 is heavily used by the United States Armed Forces especially for close quarters combat, special operations, and other roles where small size is a major factor. The M4 and its many variants have also been exported to a number of nations around the world. | ||||
M16 rifle | 1961 | United States | 5.56x45mm NATO | United States, many others |
The M-16 has been the primary service rifle of the United States Armed Forces since its introduction in 1961. The rifle has also been used, in one variation or another, by dozens of other nations making it one of the most popular assault rifle designs ever. | ||||
Pindad SS1 | 1991 | Indonesia | 5.56x45mm NATO | Indonesia |
The Pindad SS1 is an Indonesian designed variation of the Belgian FN FNC specially adapted for the needs of a jungle environment. The weapon soon gained acceptance as the main service rifle of the Indonesian armed forces. | ||||
Pindad SS2 | 2006 | Indonesia | 5.56x45mm NATO | Indonesia |
An updated version of the Pindad SS1, the SS2 is currently being phased in as the service rifle of the Indonesian armed forces. | ||||
QBZ-95 | 1997 | China | 5.56x45mm NATO | People's Republic of China and others |
A Bullpup design introduced to replace the aging AK47-based rifles in Chinese service, the QBZ-95 was first introduced when the United Kingdom returned control of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China. Fires the proprietary 5.8x42mm DBP87 cartridge solely intended for the Chinese military, but the QBZ-97 export variant chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO saw some foreign sales as well as civilian adaptations. | ||||
R4 assault rifle | 1980 | South Africa | 5.56x45mm NATO | South Africa, Hatian police |
Developed in 1980 for the South African Defence Force to replace the R1, which was a variant of the Belgian FN FAL, The R4 was first issued during the early 1980s. It's design can trace its ancestry back through the Israeli IMI Galil, and the Finnish Rk 62, back to the AK-47. | ||||
Rk 62 | 1962 | Finland | 7.62x39mm | Finland |
Based on the design of the AK-47, the Rk 62 is the service rifle of the Finnish Defence Forces. | ||||
Rk 95 TP | 1990s | Finland | 7.62x39mm | Finland |
The Rk 95 was accepted in limited numbers into the Finnish Defence Forces as a possible future replacement for the Rk 62, though this may or may not ultimately occur. | ||||
Sa vz. 58 | 1958 | Czechoslovakia | 7.62x39mm | Czechoslovakia and others |
Based on the oft-copied AK-47, the Sa vz. 58 has seen service with several nations' armies including the present day Czech Republic, and Slovakia. | ||||
SA80 | 1985 | United Kingdom | 5.56x45mm NATO | United Kingdom, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, Nepal |
The SA80 is the primary service rifle of the United Kingdom. Its bullpup design springs from four decades of development that saw such earlier, less commercially successful designs as the EM-2 and the L64/65. | ||||
SAR-80 | 1980s | Singapore | 5.56x45mm NATO | Singapore and others |
Born in the early 1980s out of the cooperation between the Sterling Armament Company of United Kingdom and Chartered Industries of Singapore, the SAR-80 was a conventional design based upon the American Armalite AR-18 fed by STANAG magazines. Saw very little rear-line use in its homeland, but has since been spotted in conflicts and civil wars in eastern Europe, Asia and Middle East. | ||||
SAR-21 | 1999 | Singapore | 5.56x45mm NATO | Singapore and others |
Unveiled in 1999, the SAR-21 is now the service rifle of the Singapore Armed Forces. It is also in service with the armed forces of Brunei, Indonesia, and Morocco, as well as the special forces of Bangladesh. | ||||
SIG SG 510 | 1957 | Switzerland | 7.5x55mm GP11 | Switzerland, Chile, Bolivia |
Once the service rifle of the Swiss Army it is now largely phased out in favour of the newer SIG SG 550. It can still be seen in service in the armed forces of Chile and Bolivia. | ||||
SIG SG 550 | 1986 | Switzerland | 5.6 mm Gw Pat 90 | Switzerland and others |
Built as a successor to the SIG SG 510, the SG 550 is the standard service rifle of the Swiss Army. The rifle has been exported for use by the armies of Chile, France, Indonesia, and Spain, and counter-terrorism units in Germany and Serbia. The SG 550 is also used by some federal agencies in the United States and by the Papal Swiss Guard at the Vatican. | ||||
Sterling SAR-87 | 1987 | United Kingdom | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
The SAR-87 was a derivative of the Armalite AR18, It was a reliable design but rejected as the SA80 was selected by the British Forces so it remained as a prototype but formed the basis of various Singapore produced weapons like the SR-88. | ||||
Steyr ACR | 1987 | Austria | 5.56x45mm flechette | Never in active service |
The Steyr ACR was an entry in the United States Army's Advanced Combat Rifle program. The experimental flechette firing weapon was not adopted by the US Army and the rifle has not seen active service. | ||||
Steyr AUG | 1978 | Austria | 5.56x45mm NATO | Austria and others |
The Austrian Army's main service rifle, the AUG uses a bullpup design that is modular and very adaptable. The same gun can be quickly fitted with an assortment of barrels and switched for left or right-handed operation. The AUG is used by a number of military forces and government agencies worldwide. | ||||
Stoner 63 | 1963 | United States | 5.56x45mm NATO | United States (limited, no longer in service) |
The Stoner 63 was a family of infantry weapons including assault rifles and light machine guns produced in the 1960s for the United States Armed Forces. The US Navy SEALs and the US Marine Corps field tested the rifles in limited numbers, but the weapons system was never widely used and had been completely phased out by the late 1980s. | ||||
Sturmgewehr 44 | 1944 | Nazi Germany | 7.92x33mm Kurz | Nazi Germany (WWII) |
Considered by many to be the first true assault rifle, the StG44 was the first weapon to see widespread action that combined the portability and powerful cartridge of a rifle with the automatic firing rate of a machine gun. Previous, similar designs such as the American Thompson submachine gun and M3 submachine gun had fired less powerful pistol cartridges and were, therefore, not true assault rifles. | ||||
StG45 | 1945 | Nazi Germany | 7.92x33mm Kurz | Nazi Germany (WWII) |
This was the last attempt for Nazi Germany to produce an assault rifle but cheaper and easier to produce/maintain etc. Like the previous and similar Sturmgewehr 44, It retained the same ammunition/ergonomicsmagazines but instead used a roller-locking system that later became used in the CETME/H&K series of weapons. | ||||
TKB-022PM | 1962 | Soviet Union | 7.62x39mm | Never in active service |
The TKB-022PM was a prototype bullpup carbine designed for Armoured Vehicle crew members. It has also been one of the most unusual designs to draw mass attention to firearms enthusiasts as its external layout was bakelite and has the magazine at the very far back it required a vertically moving bolt and a separate rammer/extractor to cycle its operation. Apart from this, Russian Generals thought this weapon was complicated and far ahead of its time and didnt trust if it could withstand harsh battlefield conditions and years of storage. | ||||
TKB-517 | 1950s | Soviet Union | 7.62x39mm | Never in active service |
Designed to be an easier to produce, more accurate and reliable alternative to the externally similar AK-47, the TKB-517 was never adopted by the Soviet military. | ||||
T65 assault rifle | 1976 | Republic of China | 5.56x45mm NATO | Taiwan, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Panama |
The T65 was the main service rifle of Taiwan's ROC Army from 1976 through the mid-1990s when it was phased out in favour of the newer T86 and T91 models. | ||||
T86 assault rifle | 1998 | Republic of China | 5.56x45mm NATO | Taiwan, Jordan |
Similar in design to the American M16, the T86 was slated to replace the older T65 model as the service rifle of Taiwan's ROC Army, but the intended replacement was delayed and the T86 was superseded by the T91 and was only deployed in limited numbers. | ||||
T91 assault rifle | 2003 | Republic of China | 5.56x45mm NATO | Taiwan, Jordan, Kuwait |
A continuation of the T86 assault rifle's design, the T91 incorporated more features from other existing weapons such as the M16 and the Heckler & Koch G36. The T91 is currently the primary service rifle of Taiwan's ROC Army. | ||||
Type 63 assault rifle | 1970s | China | 7.62x39mm | China, Albania, Vietnam |
Externally similar to the Chinese SKS rifle, the mechanism is more closely related to the AK-47. The Type 68 is currently no longer in service with the Chinese armed forces; during the Cold War, it has been given in quantities to Albania and Vietnam. | ||||
Type 81 assault rifle | 1980s | China | 7.62x39mm | China and others |
The Type 81 combines elements of several earlier rifles to create a design that is externally similar to the AK-47 family of rifles, but with significant internal differences. The Type 81 was the service rifle of the Chinese People's Liberation Army from the mid-1980s until 1995. | ||||
Valmet M82 | 1978 | Finland | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
Only about 2,000 M82s were built during its brief life. The bullpup style rifle was tested in small numbers by Finnish paratroopers, but found to be unsuitable. | ||||
Vektor CR-21 | 1997 | South Africa | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
The CR-21 is a bullpup design of assault rifle introduced as a proposed successor to the South African Army's current R4 assault rifle. The rifle has not yet been selected by any military force and remains a prototype. | ||||
Vepr | 2003 | Ukraine | 5.45x39mm | Ukraine (not yet in service) |
The Vepr is the first assault rifle designed and built in the Ukraine. The weapon--a bullpup modification of the AK-74--is listed by the Ukrainian government as a sub-machinegun, but it fires a rifle cartridge and is, therefore, an assault rifle. The Vepr is slated to be introduced into service with the Ukrainian Ground Forces by 2010. | ||||
VHS Assault Rifle | 2007 | Croatia | 5.56x45mm | Croatia, Kuwait, Venezuela |
The VHS assault rifle was first introduced in Karlovac in 2007. In October 2008, it was published into the ground force of Croatia. It is currently the service rifle of Croatia. Venezuela and Kuwait have shown interest for the rifle. | ||||
XM8 rifle | 2002 | United States | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service |
Jointly designed by German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch, the United States Army, and the US company General Electric, the XM8 was intended to be the next generation of light assault rifle for the US Army; the project was formally cancelled in 2005, but the prototypes are sometimes still used for comparative testings with other rifle designs. | ||||
Z-M Weapons LR 300 | United States | 5.56x45mm NATO | Never in active service | |
The LR 300 is a variation on the general design of the M16; it has never been used in military service. | ||||
Zastava M21 | 2004 | Serbia | 5.56x45mm NATO | Serbia and others |
The Zastava M21 is based on the ubiquitous AK-47 family of weapons, but chambered for the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. It is currently in service with the military of Serbia. | ||||
Zastava M70 | Yugoslavia | 7.62x39mm | Serbia and others | |
The Zastava M70 is very closely related to the famous AK-47. The rifle has seen service with several armies including that of Serbia, its producer. | ||||
Zastava M77 | Serbia | 7.62x51mm NATO | Serbia and others | |
The Zastava M77 is a Serbian made variation of the AK-47. |