ISSF 25 Meter Pistol Womens

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The 'ISSF 25 M Pistol Womens' event is a Womens event that is identical to the 'ISSF 25 M Center Fire Pistol Mens' other than:

  • the pistol calibre requirements,
  • the gauge size for shot values, and
  • a 20-shot Finals round for the top scoring 8 women from the 60-shot Qualification round.



[edit] Course of Fire

The competition consistes of 60 shots fired in two 30-shot Stages.. There is:

  • Precision Stage (30 shots); consisting of six 5-shot series, each series fired in 5 minutes shooting time
  • Rapid Fire Stage (30 shots); consisting of six 5-shot series, each shot fired at a 3 seconds exposure of the target

[edit] Preparation Time

Before each stage commences the shooters have 5 minutes 'Preparation Time'. During Preparation Time shooters may:

  • set up and prepare their equipment at the allocated firing point
  • dry fire

Preparation Time commences 5 minutes before the scheduled time for the relay.

[edit] Sighting series

Before each stage the shooters have a 5-shot sighting series in the same timing as for that stage.

[edit] Precision Stage

  • There are 6 series each of 5-shots fired in 5 minutes shooting time.
  • The 'Ready Position' does not apply for the Precision Stage

[edit] Rapid Fire Stage

  • There are 6 series each of 5-shots fired in the 'duelling' time: the targets face for 3 seconds, with an away time of 7 seconds before the next facing.
  • The shooter must have her arm no more than 45 degrees from the vertical for each 'exposure' (before the targets face - paper targets: or the green light comes on Electronically Scored Targets (EST)). This 'Ready Position' is specified in ISSF rule

[edit] Range Commands

  • 5 minutes before the scheduled start time

"Preparation Time Begins Now"

  • After 5 minutes

"Sighting Series, Load"

  • After 1 minute to load

"Attention" - the targets are faced away (paper targets) or the red light comes on ( EST)

  • After 7 seconds, the targets face (paper targets) or the green light comes on ( EST)
  • After each 5-shot series


  • After the targets have been scored and patched (paper targets) or 1 minute ( EST)

"For the first series...Load"

  • After 1 minute to load

"Attention" - the targets are faced away (paper targets) or the red light comes on ( EST)

  • After 7 seconds, the targets face (paper targets) or the green light comes on ( EST)
  • After each series, the targets face away (paper targets) or the red light comes on ( EST)


This is repeated for 6 competition series for each stage

After the last series, the Range Officer must verify that all pistols are unloaded and all magazines are empty before pistols are cased for removal from the firing points.

[edit] Pistol

[edit] Specification

  • calibre .22 Long Rifle (LR)
  • fit in a box 300 x 150 x 50 mm
  • minimum trigger weight (pull) 1000 grams
  • maximum pistol weight 1400 grams, including a magazine
  • maximum 220 mm sight radius
  • no curvature of the grip around the hand (even partially)
  • open sights only (no scopes or mirror sights)
  • The grip cannot touch beyond the hand; i.e. the wrist must be visibly free when the pistol is held in the normal firing position.
  • Compensators, muzzle brakes, perforated barrels or any device(s) functioning in a similar manner are not allowed.
  • the rear part of the frame or grip which rests on top of the hand between the thumb and the forefinger, must not be longer than 30 mm. This distance is measured at a right angle to the extended center line of the bore.

[edit] Standard Pistols

[edit] Ammunition

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