Hellfire trigger

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Not very impressive, are they?
A Hellfire trigger is a patented[1] device that allows a semi-automatic firearm to fire at a rate approaching that of fully automatic firearms. When the trigger is pressed, the Hellfire device disengages the trigger return spring, which moves the operator's trigger finger. Basically, it's a small metal gizmo that clamps to the trigger guard behind the trigger of your semi-automatic rifle or pistol. It has a "finger" that presses against the back of your trigger, and the pressure exerted on the trigger is adjustable. The net effect of this is to increase the force that attempts to return your trigger to its forward position. Thus the Hellfire system allows you to fire your gun at "full-auto" rates, even though you are still pulling the trigger each time a round is discharged. Some users may also use the Hellfire device in conjunction with bump firing techniques to fire more rapidly.

While the device is simple, it is also both unsafe and inefficient. Many users complain about the awkward firing position required to shoot a Hellfire trigger-equipped firearm. Use of the trigger may also damage a gun or cause it to malfunction, since most semi-automatic firearms are simply not designed to handle the substantially greater stress of high rates fire.



[edit] Usage

Some blatant cheerleading...
Please note the video to the right is for informational purposes only and is NOT intended to be taken as any kind of endorsement.

Attach it to the gun, then hold your gun out front with your weak (non-trigger) hand. Put your finger on the trigger and don't let any other part of your strong (trigger) hand or body touch the gun. You are now supporting the full weight of the gun (and aiming it) with your weak hand, and your trigger finger is touching the trigger. Now, push the gun forward with your weak hand, and the gun will fire. Keep pushing with the weak hand. If everything is balanced, the recoil will move the gun back enough to re-cock the trigger (with the help of the Hellfire attachment) and the pressure from the weak hand will move the gun back forward, which will cause it to fire again. Typical fire rates are on the order of 10 per second (depends on the gun, of course). It will take some practice to get the hang of keeping your muscle tension right to keep the gun firing. However, with some practice, you will be able to reliably fire short bursts or empty an entire magazine.[2]

The device works with MAK-90s and other AK-47 derivatives, Mini-14s & Mini-30s, AR-15s and clones, SKSes, M-11s and similar guns. For pistols, you will have to have a shoulder thing that goes up barrel shroud or fake suppressor to give you something to hold onto on the front of the gun.

Note that none of the above shoot .22 LR. The light recoil of this round will make the normal Hellfire difficult to use, though there is now a version available for the 10/22. It should be noted however, that if you have a .22, there are various "cranks" and other gizmos that provide a similar effect, and probably do a better job since you can press the gun against your shoulder (and thus aim).

[edit] Drawbacks

The most obvious problem with the Hellfire device were the misleading photos of a person firing and aiming the gun at the same time. The Hellfire Trigger system is designed to be fired from the hip, not by aiming. By using the Hellfire trigger system it is nearly impossible to accurately aim the gun. Hitting a human-sized target reliably, even at a mere range of 75 feet, is quite difficult. Due to the trigger systems design, it is not easy to transition from "full auto" to aimed fire or vice versa. Additionally, full-auto firing heats up your gun very quickly, which could severely damage your gun.

[edit] Notes

  1. The developer, Hell-Fire Systems of Olathe CO has been put out of business by a lawsuit filed against it over a 1993 shooting at a San Francisco law firm. Survivors and the family of at least one of those killed have sued each company that made anything the killer brought with him, including the Hellfire gadget and the Tec-DC9 pistol. No word on whether or not they sued the company that made his shoes.
  2. Note that many of the ads for this product show people holding onto the gun with their trigger hand. This is misleading, to say the least.

[edit] External links

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