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 Dennis To Do Sandbox Drafts Log Toolbox 
Administrator, Gunsopedia & GunOwnersResource
Country Canada
Age 40-something
Groups Administrators
Projects all of them
Rifle Springfield M1903, FN C1
Shotgun Remington 1100
Handgun Colt 1911, if I had to pick one
Shooting sport plinking :)
"After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it."

-William Burroughs

Been shooting since childhood. Got my first rifle (a Cooey 75) at age 8 and fell in love with the pastime. Got my first shotgun at 10 and fired it for the second time when I was 13 (some of you will get that, some won't).
Do not anger this GP SYSOP, for
he does wield the Ban Hammer.
CAF emblem.jpg This user supports the Canadian Armed Forces.
CAF emblem.jpg This user served in the Canadian Forces Infantry
RCAC badge.jpg This user is or was a member of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
UNfools.gif This user was a UN peacekeeper and knows what a waste that was.
George Orwell taught me everything I need to know about government.
CPC.jpg This user supports the Conservative Party of Canada.
Reticle.png This user likes to hunt.
Bike.jpg This user owns a motorcycle.

Can I help you with something?

  • Leave a note on my talk page
  • Send me an email (logged in users only)
Leftquot.png The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He who has nothing, and belongs to another, must be defended by him, and needs no arms: but he who thinks he is his own master, and has anything he may call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself and what he possesses, or else he lives precariously and at discretion. And though for a while those who have the sword in their power abstain from doing him injury; yet, by degrees, he will be awed into submission to every arbitrary command. Our ancestors, by being always armed, and frequently in action, defended themselves against the Romans, Danes and English; and maintained their liberty against encroachments of their own princes. Rightquot.png
Andrew Fletcher in A Discourse of Government with Relation to Militias in Political Works 6, 1749

Other stuff

  • track down more missing parts diagrams and manuals
    • project?
  • come up with some kind of 'welcome' template or something for new users.
  • polish up the FAL page.
Personal tools
