List of World War II firearms
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[edit] Assault Rifle(S)
- Sturmgewehr-44 : The world's first assault rifle, the trend of adopting assault rifles didn't catch on until after the war
[edit] Handguns
- Beretta Modello 1934: A fine compact pistol adopted as the Italian service pistol before World War II, has become one of the most popular collectors' pistols.
- Beretta Modello 1935
- FN Model 1910: Developed before World War I, many M1910s were in service worldwide during World War II, and the type was produced for Luftwaffe aircrews during German occupation of Belgium from 1940-1944. This pistol is what was used to initiate the First World War (The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria)
- Browning HP: A 9 mm pistol in service with many nations prior to World War II, and which was produced during the occupation for German forces. Additionally led to Canadian production for the Allies. The HP continues in production today but has been supplanted in many cases by the Czech CZ-75B 9mm.
- CZ vz 38: Entering service with the Czech army when Czechoslovakia collapsed, the design was not overly successful, and served in second-line duties during World War II.
- Enfield No.2 Mk.1: Common name for Revolver No 2.
- Glisenti Model 1910: A less-successful design which was the standard Italian sidearm in World War I. Many remained in service in World War II.
- Inglis High Power: A Canadian re-engineering of the Browning High Power.
- Luger P 08: Standard German pistol from 1908 to 1938, the Luger remained in widespread German service through the war and was manufactured until the mid-30s.
- Colt M1911A1: .45ACP calibre pistol of Browning design, standard service pistol of American forces until recent replacement by the Beretta 92FS (M9) in the late 1980s, but still in limited usage by the US armed forces.
- M1917 revolver: A .45ACP cal revolver developed for service with United States forces in World War I, but was still in service with the Military Police through World War II.
- M1942 Liberator: A covert operations pistol ordered by the OSS for dropping into occupied territories. It was a single-shot weapon of incredibly simple nature.
- Vis: Service pistol of the Polish forces entering World War II, remained in production for the Waffen-SS through 1944.
- Revolver No.2: A .38SW (not to be confused with .38 SW SPL) revolver derived from the Webley Mk.4, but put into production at Enfield. Standard service revolver of British forces in World War II. The .38SW was a poor replacement for the much better .455 Webley.
- Smith & Wesson 0.38/200: A .38 S&W (200gr bullet) revolver ordered by the United Kingdom for production in the United States early in the war. This 200gr bullet was replaced by a 176gr in respect to The Hague Convention.
- Tokarev TT-30: A 7.62 mm semi automatic pistol which was the first in Soviet service. Few were made and few of those remained in World War II.
- Tokarev TT-33: Standard pistol of the Soviet Union, derived from FN-Browning designs, but sturdier and easier to manufacture. Licensed manufacture extended to many other countries.
- Type 14: Standard Japanese service pistol, of 8 mm calibre.
- Type 26: Japanese revolver.
- Type 94: Commercially available pistol from prior to World War II purchased and produced for military use by Japan during the war. The weapon was of poor design and manufacture, making it unsafe to operate.
- Walther AP: Original derivative of the PP for military service, not adopted.
- Walther HP: Further development of the PP for military service, not adopted but led to P 38.
- Walther P 38: 9mm luger pistol designed in 1938 which officially replaced Luger during WW2. Steel framed models were replaced by aluminum models during the cold war and gun was renamed P-1.
- Walther PP: Small pistol designed for police service and available in 9 mm short (.380ACP), 9mm Ultra, .32, .25, or .22 calibres. Served as military sidearms in World War II.
- Walther PPK: Shortened derivative of Walther PP designed for covert operations and other roles where concealment is required.
- Webley Mk.IV: A .38 S&W (not to be confused with .38 S&W Special) derived from the .455 British service revolver of World War I, led to the Enfield No.2. Served widely with British and Commonwealth forces in World War II.
[edit] Submachine Guns
- Austen
- MAB 38 (Moschetti Automatici Beretta)
- Lanchester
- Thompson
- M3 'Grease Gun'
- Maschinenpistole 18 (MP18)
- Maschinenpistole 28 (MP28)
- Maschinenpistole 34 (MP34)
- Maschinenpistole 35 (MP35)
- Maschinenpistole 38 (MP38)
- Maschinenpistole 40 (MP40)
- MAS 38
- Nambu Type 100
- Owen Gun
- PPD-40
- PPSh-41
- PPS-43
- M50/55 Reising
- Sten
- Steyr S1-100
- Suomi m/1931
- ZK 383
[edit] Rifles
- Arisaka Type 38
- Arisaka Type 38 (Cavalry Rifle)
- Arisaka Type 44 (Cavalry Rifle)
- Arisaka Type 97 (Sniper Rifle)
- Arisaka Type 99 + Type 99 (Sniper Rifle)
- Berthier mle 1916
- Carcano M1891
- Carcano M1891 Moschetto da Cavalleria (Cavalry Carbine)
- Carcano M1891TS Moschetto per Truppe Speciali (Special Troop Carbine)
- Carcano M1938 Carbine
- Chiang Kai-Shek rifle rifle used by Nationalist Revolutionary Army of China
- DeLisle carbine
- Enfield M1917
- Fallschirmjägergewehr 42: Select fire rifle, designed for Fallschirmjäger, produced in fairly small numbers.
- Fusil MAS 36
- Gewehr 41(W): Walther design for a self-loading service rifle. Limited service led to development of Gewehr 43.
- Gewehr 43: Standard self-loading rifle of the German army from development through the end of the war.
- Lebel mle 1886
- Gewehr 98: Standard service rifle of the German army in both wars, of sound design with excellent accuracy and range.
- Karabiner 98k: An attempt to provide a shorter service rifle, issued through World War II, but never supplanted the G 98.
- Lee Enfield No.I Mk.III*: Standard rifle of British and Commonwealth forces at beginning of war, supplemented and replaced by No.IV
- Lee Enfield No.IV Mk.I: Appeared in larger numbers, mid-war, to replace No.I Mk.III rifle
- Lee Enfield No.V Mk.I 'Jungle Carbine': Appeared in 1944 with intention to replace other Lee Enfield rifles, for use in the jungles of the far east.
- M1 Carbine
- M1 Garand
- M1903 Springfield
- Maschinenkarabiner 42(H)
- Machinenpistole 43 (MP43)
- Mosin-Nagant M1891/30
- Mosin-Nagant M1938 Carbine
- Mosin-Nagant M1944 Carbine
- Pattern 14 (P14)
- Simonov AVS-36
- Hanyang 88(widely used in the regional forces of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army, an inferior copy of the German Gewehr 98)
- Tokarev SVT-38
- Tokarev SVT-40
- Winchester Model 1897 and Winchester Model 1912 (two shotguns that were used by the USMC in the dense jungle of Pacific War)
[edit] Machine Guns
- Breda 30
- .30 Cal
- Breda 31
- Breda M37
- Breda 38
- Bren Light Machine-Gun
- Browning Automatic Rifle
- Browning M1919
- Browning M2
- CZ vz. 26
- CZ vz 30
- Degtyerev DP-28
- DShK 1938
- Fusil Mitrailleur mle 1924
- Type 11 Light Machine Gun
- Type 96 Light Machine Gun
- Maschinengewehr 34
- Maschinengewehr 42
- Mitrailleuse mle 1931
- SG-43
- Tank Machine-Gun Type 91
- Vickers machine gun
- Vickers-Berthier Light Machine-Gun